Lone Wolf: Long Live the King
As you sit down, the stone serpent slowly moves forward on its plinth. You suddenly break out in a cold sweat and grasp your weapon with trembling fingers in case it should attack. A red forked tongue appears from the head of this strange statue and dips into the bowl of green light above your head. Slowly the tongue re-emerges holding a Golden Key which, to your surprise, it drops into your lap. A panel in the east wall clicks open to reveal an exit. You see ahead a corridor sloping upwards, and as you reach the top of this slope, a stone portal slides across to reveal another passage ahead. You step through the opening which then quickly closes with a crunch. Looking back, you see the tomb door slowly close and a cruel inhuman laugh seems to rise out of the very ground on which you stand. In blind panic, you race through the eerie necropolis towards the south gate. Splashing through a shallow stream, you stagger towards the gate. The full horror of the Graveyard encounter begins to catch up with you. The last thing you recall before exhaustion robs you of consciousness, is falling into the outstretched arms of two soldiers who have run from the fieldworks to help you. Turn to 268. You black out for only a few minutes before you are revived with a measure of strong spirit. Feeling weary but thankful to be alive, you lean on the shoulders of the King's men and you stagger towards the outer defences. Turn to 288. Ironically, we've spent most of the book running and hiding in near-death state, and now that we're nearly at full health again, we pass out from exhaustion. As you reach the walls of the fieldworks, the large oak gates open and you are quickly hurried inside. A sergeant, bloodstained and battle-weary, calls to an officer who turns and recognizes your cloak. 'Cheeseburger,' he says. 'Where are the other Kai Masters? We are in desperate need of their wisdom. The Darklords press us most cruelly and casualties are high.' You inform the brave officer of the terrible fate of your kinsmen, and the urgency of your mission to seek the King's council. Without saying a word, he motions to a soldier to bring forward two horses. You both mount and gallop off towards the high city wall of Holmgard. Turn to 129. Back to the Future II! You reach the main gates of the capital, and stare in awe at the height of the city's walls. Two hundred feet high, the walls of Holmgard have withstood the ravages of both time and the Darklords. You and the officer race through the tunnel of the inner gatehouse, one hundred yards in length, and finally halt outside the doorway of the main watchtower. Great crowds of soldiers and civilians are running to and fro. You reach the main gates of the capital, and stare in awe at the height of the city's walls. Two hundred feet high, the walls of Holmgard have withstood the ravages of both time and the Darklords. You and the officer race through the tunnel of the inner gatehouse, one hundred yards in length, and finally halt outside the doorway of the main watchtower. Great crowds of soldiers and civilians are running to and fro. If you wish to continue following the officer, turn to 3. If you feel that you stand a better chance of making your way to the King's citadel on your own, turn to 144. Wait. What? Do I think my chances of finding my way through the crowded capital city to the castle are better by myself or with the guy who works at the castle? Really? I'm gonna follow the fuckin' guard! Staying close to the officer, you follow him through an arched portal and up a short flight of stairs to a long hall. Soldiers run back and forth bearing orders on ornate scrolls to officers stationed around the city wall. A haggard and scar-faced man dressed in the white and purple robes of the King's court approaches you and bids you follow him to the citadel. If you wish to follow this man, turn to 196. If you wish to decline his offer and return to the crowded streets,turn to 144. You follow the man into a small library off the main hall. He pushes one of the many books on the shelves which line all four walls, and you hear a metallic click. One section of the bookcase slowly slides back to reveal a hidden passage. You quickly bathe and change into some white robes that have been left out on a large marble table. Shortly, the man returns and leads you through a long corridor lined with exquisite tapestries. You finally arrive at a large door guarded by two soldiers wearing silver armour. You are about to meet the King. Turn to 350. You enter the Chamber of State, a magnificent hall decorated lavishly in white and gold. The King and his closest advisers are studying a large map spread upon a marble plinth in the centre of the chamber. Their faces are lined with worry and concentration. A silence fills the hall as you tell of the death of your kinsmen and of your perilous journey to the citadel. As you finish your story, the King approaches and takes your right hand in his. 'Cheeseburger, you have selfless courage: the quality of a true Kai Lord. Your journey here has been one of great peril and although your news comes as a grievous blow, the spirit of your determination is like a beacon of hope to us all in this dark hour. You have brought great honour to the memory of your Masters, and for that we praise you.' You receive the praise and heartfelt thanks of the entire hall--an honour that brings a certain redness to your young face. The King raises his hand and all the voices cease. 'You have done all that Sommerlund could have asked of a loyal son, but she is greatly in need of you still. The Darklords are powerful once more and their ambition knows no bounds. Our only hope lies within Durenor with the power that once defeated the Darklords an age ago. Cheeseburger, you are the last of the Kai--you have the skills. Will you journey to Durenor and return with the Sommerswerd, the sword of the sun? Only with that gift of the gods may we crush this evil and save our land.' If you wish to accept the quest of the Sommerswerd, begin your adventure with Book 2 of the Lone Wolf adventures: Fire on the Water. We got the power-up and won the game! And only died, what, four times was it? Now for the post-game wrap-up: - First off, is everyone enjoying this? I'd be happy to proceed onto the next book in the same manner if everyone's interested. - Assuming the first answer was yes, how do we like the format? I'm trying to handle the more obvious choices on my own to keep things going, and only have you guys deal with the interesting choices for the most part. I'm open to any suggestions.You take the Key and leave as quickly as possible.
Turn to 209.
A serpent in the shape of an "S?" How mysterious!Ahh...that clears it up. Let's take our endurance point (seriously, how would we get this far without Healing?) and press on.
The corridor soon widens into a large hall. At the far end, a stone staircase leads up to a huge door. Two black candles on either side of the stone steps dimly illuminate the chamber. You notice that no wax has melted, and as you get nearer you can feel that they give off no heat. Ancient engravings cover the stone surfaces of the walls.Anxious to leave this evil tomb, you examine the door for a latch. An ornate pin appears to lock the door, but there is also a keyhole in the lockplate.
If you have a Golden Key and wish to use it, turn to 326.
If you have the Kai Discipline of Mind Over Matter, turn to 151.
If you wish to remove the pin, turn to 337.
You carefully insert the Key and turn it clockwise. You hear a dull click--the Key works. You lift out the pin, and the large granite door slowly swings towards you on hidden hinges. The grey half-light of the Graveyard floods into the tomb. The exit is overgrown with graveweed and you suffer many cuts to your face and arms as you fight your way through to the surface.
At last you can reach the wooden fieldworks surrounding the outer city. As you race towards a sentry post, you can hear the excited shouts of the guards cheering you on. Thank the gods that they recognize you, for you must appear a ragged and suspicious figure. Your cloak is torn and hangs in tatters, your face is scratched and blood-smeared and the dust of the Graveyard covers you from head to toe.
If you do not want to enter the dark corridor, leave the guildhall and return to the street. Turn to 144.
He's wearing our gang's colors, so we trust this guy. If he tries to sodomize us in this dark, hidden corridor we'll mindblast him in the face. Or enjoy, depending on Cheeseburger's sexual orientation which I forgot to roll at the beginning of the book.
I roll a 3.
Cheeseburger's gay now.
You walk for nearly ten minutes along a dark and winding corridor, and then start to climb a steep staircase to a small wooden door. The man presses a secret catch and the door opens. You enter a large, plushly decorated bedroom with a huge marble bath that takes up one corner of the room. The man suggests that you refresh yourself here whilst he seeks an audience with the King.
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