I'm not a smart person. And even though I am ADD and can multitask like a son of a bitch, I'm not good at orgies. The problem with orgies is theres just too many bodies. It confusing. You never know who you're grabbing or sometimes, even what your grabbing. Say you're in a pile, you grab ahold of a nice tight ass. And you move your hand down south to do some "sharkin". You expect to find a nice warm pussy but all you end up with is some dude's junk. Why? becuase he thinks its cool to shave his ass, so that you can't tell the difference between his ass and the hot blond you thought you were palming. I don't want to hold his junk anymore than he wants me to. It's crazy. And then you have penis flopping all over the place. You'll be going down on some nice tasty twat, and all the sudden you get poked in the eye with some mansteak. Now you've got a black eye when you goto work on Monday. How the hell do you explain that one to your co-workers. "Some dude poked me in the eye with his hard-on." That'll go over smooth I'm sure. Sex just isn't meant to be enjoyed like that. It's too much work. It's just not fun. Thats why I do it the way God intended. never with anymore then 4 other people. You know, keep it simple. That way I always know whos balls I'm grabbing.
Rants from the Alright Guys
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