Lone Wolf: Seafaring Edition
We made the decision to be seamen. As you paddle towards the sleek trade caravel, you notice to your surprise that the boarding ladder is being pulled up. A mean-looking sailor leans over the gunwale and curses at you. He seems to think that you are a refugee trying to stowaway on board. But when you shout that you are Lone Wolf and you were ambushed by an impostor at the tavern, the ladder is soon lowered again. As you climb over the side of the ship, you are met by a tall man in a gold-braided uniform. His face is almost totally covered by a shock of bright red hair and a bright red beard. 'Haul anchor!' he booms. The crew spring into action as if their very lives depended on it. The captain ushers you below to his cabin where he pours two glasses of wanlo, a strong spirit. His face shows concern as you tell him what has happened. 'There is evil treachery at work and the enemy already has plans afoot to thwart your quest,' he begins when you've told your tale. 'It seems that you have lost the element of surprise--and I have lost a courageous first mate. Let us only hope that the voyage to Durenor be swift and safe.' In the morning you are awoken by the cry of the deck watchman: 'Wreckage off the starboard bow!' Quickly dressing, you climb up on deck and join the captain at the rail. Roll a d10. If the number you have picked is 0-4, turn to 119. If the number you have picked is 5-9,turn to 341. I roll a 4. Shattered beams, pieces of planking and torn sails litter the white-flecked waves. It is all that remains of a merchant ship. But then suddenly you notice a body clinging to a broken hatch cover. A rope ladder is quickly lowered and the poor man is brought aboard. 'Pirates!' is all he says before collapsing to the deck. The man is wrapped in a large blanket and taken below. He has suffered many wounds and is close to death. 'This crime bears the mark of the Lakuri pirates,' the captain confides in you, 'but it is unusual to run across them in these waters. They must be in search of a rich cargo to sail so far from their tropical islands.' As the ship resumes its course for Durenor, you cannot help but wonder if that 'rich cargo' is you. Cheeseburgers are, after all, quite rare in this part of the world. Especially recently-turned homosexual ones. Turn to 240. After three uneventful days at sea, you find shipboard life rather dreary. If you have the Kai Discipline of Healing, any ENDURANCE points that you may have lost on your adventure so far are restored. This will bring your ENDURANCE points score back to your original one. If you do not possess the skill, restore half of any points you have lost in combat. On the afternoon of the fourth day, you are talking with an injured sailor up on deck when you smell smoke seeping from the hold. If you wish to enter the hold, turn to 29. If you wish to shout 'Fire!' turn to 236. If you wish to warn the captain, turn to 101. So are we bold, smart, both or neither?
You leave him to go up on deck just in time to see the outline of Holmgard on the horizon. With mixed feelings of pride and apprehension, you descend the stairway to your cabin as the last spire of the capital disappears from view.
Roll a d10.
If the number that you have picked is 0-1, turn to 224.
If the number that you have picked is 2-3, turn to 316.
If the number that you have picked is 4-5, turn to 81.
If the number that you have picked is 6-7, turn to 22.
If the number that you have picked is 8-9, turn to 99.
I roll a 7.
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