hi. now i consider myself a hard working american. i work at least 6 monthes outta the year. i pay my taxes. ive earned everything i got. im a typical white american blue collar middle class junkie. today for example. i worked 11 hours. straight. i didnt even take a lunch break. not becuase i wasnt hungry. i was. i just didnt have time. i worked on 4 different jobsites today. i just got done with the last one at about 8:30pm. after all that driving my car was down to about an 1/8 of a tank. i probably could have gotten home on that but i figured since i had to go by a gas station anyways id fuel up. normally i run my car till its on fumes. and it costs me about $25 or so to fill it up. today there was still about 2 gallons left in the tank. so if i do the math that meant that it was around 16 gallons to fill it up. can you guess what it cost me? 32 FUCKING DOLLARS! now i thought about it for a bit. and i know that every time we have a holiday weekend over here a bunch of fucking camel jockies get together and say "looks like that stupid fucking texan isnt gonna give up any of his oil again. lets jack the prices up a bit for the holiday." this happens every holiday. has for as long as i can remember. so heres a big "FUCK YOU!" to all the sand monkies out there in charge of gas prices. now im not racist. those who know me know im one of the least judgemental people around. i mean i like mosta the brownies. ya know i work in dearborn sometimes. im always polite to em and they always say "Tank you very much" every time i buy one of there candy bars. i always say "your welcome." and every time i get in a cab im always polite to em. even though they smell bad. i mean its not their fualt they have an aversion to soap and water. if i lived in the desert mosta my life id probably dislike water too. and just becuase they have funny names like mustafa la fuckinmunch and osama bin doobie, ya know thats okay. they cant pick what thier parents named em. i dont hate them ones at all. just the sand bunnies in charge of gas prices. those bastards can go fuck themselves.
but after thinking about it for a bit. i couldnt remember when after a holiday the gas prices had risen so much. and then i remembers something i learned from mr gillespie (you know, the teacher who fucked nicole marshall). i remembered something from his economics class about supply and demand. and that when theres a huge demand the prices go up. and hey wasnt there a whole bunch of you mothafuckers out there that waited in line for four fucking hours to fill up you fucking car tanks and your 18 fucking 5 gallon tanks sitting in you trunks? i wonder if maybe that created some demand. so heres a big "FUCK YOU!" to all you stupid fucking morons who waited in line for gas for 4 hours and created a huge fucking demand. thank you very fucking much. becuase of you stupid assholes i have to pay 32 fucking dollars to fill up my gas tank. and i dont want any stupid replies like "well i had to goto work or i had to go grocery shopping." no you didnt. go fuck yourself!
also id like to send a big "FUCK YOU!" to the guy who keeps writing in to the times heral;d bitching how the worlds gonna end cuz mars is so close and thats why we had that blackout last week. are people really that fucking stupid? even after the guy was told by nasa that he was full of shit. he still insisted saying that only witches and the like really know what happened. and that the whole thing was a government coverup. if it was to be a governement cover up theyd just say it was done by osoma bin doobie so that wed all buy flags and support this moronic war thats been going on for so long. I hate stupid people.
oh yeah and todays last big "FUCK YOU!" goes to none other then bryan maxwell. who can congratulate himself on being the first person in, i dont even fucking remember how long, to be a bad influence on me. i was actually craving one of those god forsaken cancer sticks the other day. as if i need to be doing any more drugs.
"ive read so much about the bad effects of drinking, smoking, overeating, and sex that ive finally given up reading." found on a broken pig statuette in a pile of garbage.
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