Couchism (part IV)
i think this will be the last addition to couchism for awhile unless im challenged and find some more mistakes or things i missed or forgot about.
The Pathes of Couchism: Being that a couchist's moral beliefs are based mostly on what the individual finds to be true to the world, two couchists can have very different moral outlooks. Having studied a great deal of both psychology and socilogy I'm of the personal mindset that it is our environment and how we act and react with it that turns us into what we are. I refuse to believe that we are simply robot carriers for our human DNA. im only going to discuss the two extremes becuase a couchist can be any combination of the two. Good Couchists: A good couchist finds throughout his life that the more he helps others the better he feels about himself. He finds things like helping his fellow man out and being honest to be very rewarding. Often times in his life when he has helped people not only did he feel good, but they often returned the favor. this is the recommended path of couchism simply becuase it is the least likely to have negative consequences for your choices and less likely to effect others negatively. A bad couchist find throughout his life that the more he helps out himself the better he is rewarded. He finds things like killing and stealing provide him with many rewards that are otherwise unattainable. Often times in his life when he has lied or stolen something, he was able to avoid the negative consequences with more lying. This path is the least recommened becuase it often directly has negative consequences for oneself and others.
Accountablility: Couchist firmly believe that they are in some way or another directly responsible for everything that happens to them, whether it is good or bad. A couchist may lay blame on others but inside he always recognizes which of his choices any event happened becuase of. Couchists do recognize that thier actions can have both positive and negative effects on others but it is always ones own choices that truly effect oneself. For example: Boo is a good couchist. He works hard, helps his neighbors whenever possible, and is all around just an alright guy. He has wednesdays off. On one particular wednesday he decides that it would be a good day to deposit his check at the bank as he figures few others wil be there and the wait will be short. John is a bad couchist. Hes made a life out of others misery. A con artist by trade, things have gotten slow. So he decides to rob a bank. John figures that wednesday morning would be a good day as there is less likely to be many people at the bank at that hour and thus less problems. In the course of the bank robbery, Boo decides to nicolas cage it and save the day or for some other reason tries to help someone out, directly disobeying John's orders to stay put and not move. John being an inexperienced bank robber shoots Boo. At this exact moment John KNOWS that it was his choice to pull the trigger that got Boo shot and will probably alert the police to whats going on. Boo KNOWS that it was his choice to disregard John's orders (or even to come to the bank that day) that got him shot and will probably kill him in a few minutes. A more personal example of this is the other day i was playing a video game. i was playing it on two computers. versing the two computers against each other. in other words i was cheating. at some point i forgot about it and left the room. when i came back to it the next day the one computer had froze up. My son, Jadyn had been playing on the other computer all morning but had done nothing to affect my game. When i shut down the computer that had froze up, the AI (artifical intelligence) on the one Jadyn had been playing kicked on. Immediatly my the people in my game on that computer were attacked by the AI. Reslting in the death of all the people in that game becuase i hadnt been expecting it. I knew instantly what had happened. And I knew that this was one of the many possible consequences of my cheating at the game. So what did i do? I yelled at Jadyn to get off that computer and that he wasnt to touch it unless i told him he could. i outwardly blamed the whole thing on him but inwardly knew it was completely my own fault. I did later apologize to him but that is besides the point.
Recently I was pointed out by a morman minister that my beliefs are very earthly and tend to avoid dealing with the spiritual. This sent me into a instant mode of deep thought about if this was true and if it was, why? (My apologies for claming up at that moment but my mind was quite preoccupied.) After much thought I've come to the conclusion that i really do avoid the spiritual. I've also come to realize why. Personally i believe that regardless of whether God is good or bad, he is infinetly more intelligent than me. Now im no idiot. I got a decent amount of book smarts, especially in math and psychology. But I don't think that I'm even close to being able to understand God. I don't really understand an afterlife although i have a few basic ideas that i already incorporated into this religion. i dont understand the need for a resurection or why any God would care if we join him in heaven or rot in hell. The only wisdom i can offer on the subject is purely my own ideas and is the idea of giving people some sort of purpose to living. Although many times in my life i wanted their to be a purpose to it and even a few times I thought their actually might be, but as of the past few years i've come to firmly believe that there isnt one. that we realy are just meaningless lives put on this earth to accomplish meaningless things. Survival is our only real goal and many of our moral beliefs are created simply to insure that we as a race do just that, survive. Ive always had a problem with many veiws expressed in the bible as the only reason given for many of them is that God say so. If you really look at them the only real reason for them is survival. I mean why say that homosexuality or sexual promisquity is bad? it doesnt hurt anyone. but what it does do is spread deseases and homosexuality in particular doesnt lead to the bearing of offspring, thus slightly limiting our chances for survival. murder is an obvious one. lying, cheating, and stealing ultimately lead to us fighting amongst ourselves making it harder for us to survive. i think the worshipping only one God and stuff of that area is only to serve the purpose of uniting us. For the most part i veiw the bible as an "Survival for Dummies" guidebook. Seeing it as the word of God takes to much imagination for me becuase its so much easier to see it as the word of a bunch of white guys in power. I cant understand why a woman should be subservient to a man but every woman ive ever met wants to be submissive. I dont understand a lotta things bout God but I do believe that when i die that my questions will be answered. whether rotting in hell, singing in heaven, floating in limbo, or just plain being food for worms on that day i'll KNOW and not one moment sooner.
i wrote all this earlier tonite while i was drinking chai tea at the raven. that stuff is really good shit. its 1:30 am now and im watching empire records on vh1. a good movie. anyways i reread all this and realized that it appears to severily contradict the little bit i did write about God in the earlier piece (part II i think). i assure it doesnt. the stuff written in part II is based on the belief that there is a God and he is a good God. this happens to be my personal belief. i dont know if there is or isnt a god. nor do i really care. the belief that God is good is the only "feel good" belief i have and as of yet i am not prepared nor willing to part with it. peace out ya'll.
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