Wednesday, April 20, 2005


Well the recent activity on this page inspired me to throw this together real quick, so here goes...
We all have our own addictions. Sex frequently becomes one of mine, but most recently it has been World of Warcraft. I'm not sure what I love about the game, but its fucking great. Lately I have been fishing on it. I can fish for hours on end. But now that I have maxed out my fishing score and that my 10-day trial has expired, I have to go buy the game so it may be a week or two before I feed the monkey again. It's actually starting to affect my marriage.

Some other addictions...

Caffiene. I can't live without it. I need it. If I have to much though my heart explodes and I get to spend a couple days in the hospital with needles shoved in me.

Red meat. I actually crave red meat from time to time. And only very bloody red meat will satisfy it. No, I am not a vampire. I don't think I am one, nor do I really have any desire to be one. I just really really like the taste of raw red meat. Raw poultry is also good, but slightly more dangerous so I try to only eat that in moderation.

Nicotine. I'm not really an addict. I probably could quit. This one is all Mr. Nuts fault. I'd never smoked before he got me to try a cinnimon flavored mini-cigar. Now I smoke whenever I'm driving long distances and become tired.

Sex. It's no secret I'm addicted to sex. It's not so much the actual act of having sex that I'm addicted to. It the exploration of it in general.

Pain. There is no drug like adrenaline, and excessive amounts of pain is the best way to release it. If I wasn't such a fast healer though, I would probably be less interested in it.

Skittles/Sweet Tarts. I love fruity candy. I hate chocolate. If its fruity and sugary, I'm gonna be chowing on it. I can eat a whole bag of skittles in one bite. You are what you eat I guess.

Music. While not really an addiction it is a mind altering drug for me when I'm in the mood for it. Music can change my mood and personality as quickly as changing the song on a cd player. While I still maintain control over the extremity of the emotions, the song itself controls which emotions I'm experiencing.

I'm sure there's lots of other things that I'm addicted to. But I don't feel like trying to list them. What are some of ya'lls favorite "addictions?"

Also, since we seem to be posting so many game reviews as of late, I figured I'd try my hand at it. I'm currently working on a list of my favorite sex/strip games. If you have any suggestions, feel free to email them to me. I've got about 8 so far but I'd like to have at least 10 before I start posting them.


At 12:28 AM, Blogger Mr_Nuts said...

I don't really have too many bad habits. I don't drink or smoke (anymore.) Let me try though.

- Wetzel's Pretzels: I love 'em. I get em all the time. It's nearing Bad Habit status.

- Peeing in discreet places around Couch's house: I dunno. Maybe it's the thrill of it. Could I pee in Couch's dryer without getting caught? Only one way to find out.

- Soda: This one's mild compared to many people. I have a soda when I'm at work. Not very often outside of work. Still, soda's full of body-rotting shit. That's bad.

I don't think any of those are really addictions. I suck at this.

At 8:23 AM, Blogger Jimbob said...

Clocks - I own a ton of them. If it's in any way unique to the other clocks I own I buy it. I don't know if that's an addition though, maybe I just like clocks.

At 10:17 AM, Blogger Couch said...

Mr_Nuts ~ Is Wetzel's the one just outside of the food court? If so, those are some damn good pretzels, all covered in cheezey goodness. I don't think you could pee in the dryer without getting caught. Though you could probably get away witht he washing machine. There is always something stacked in front of the dryer.

Jimbob ~ Don't you do something similar with bouncy balls as well?

I forgot to mention Quiznos. Subway ain't got shit on Quiznos and since we got one here in town I've become a regular.

At 10:56 AM, Blogger Mr_Nuts said...

That's the place, Couch. There are 3 items on the menu I really like:

- 'Grateful Garlic pretzel' A pretzel covered in melted cheese, topped with Garlic butter and smothered in Parmesan cheese.

- Wetzel Bits: Little dough balls. I get them covered in Sour Cream 'n Onion seasoning and dip 'em in cheddar dip.

- Salted pretzel with cheddar dip.

At 7:13 PM, Blogger Couch said...

i havent had a dip cone in years... i liked the strawberry ones. and the butterscotch ones... hmmm... may have to make a stop tonite...

At 11:56 PM, Blogger Arethusa said...

My addictions would be the internet, music, books and seafood. For some reason, although I enjoy a good cup of coffee, I've never been one of those daily intakers. Actually I'm more often likely to have a cup in the evening while on the computer rather than gulping it down in the mornings before class.

ok 2nd time trying to comment...

At 12:04 AM, Blogger Kevin said...

I wind up addicted to everything. Mostly Cigarettes and music. Music in a different way for me, though, because I perform occasionally and I tend to go in bursts of obsessive practicing as i get close to the shows and nervous about not being prepared.


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