Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Bullshit at Work

I have two jobs; one as a computer tech and one as a projectionist. I've often ranted about the computer tech job - funny and ridiculous stories might as well be a part of the job description. The theatre job I've rarely ranted about, and with good reason. It's an uneventful, terrific job. I show up every day and work completely unsupervised for eight hours. As long as I don't screw up, I'm pretty much free to do as I please. Today, however, I got a reason to paint the walls in blood and throw the piano out the window.

A few months ago, the theatre chain I work for was bought out by another theatre company. They brought with them the usual changes in uniform, price and policy as well as a small minded, deaf-eared lack of effective upper management. Some of the changes were ok, some policies were pure bullshit. Today, I saw the effects of one such bullshit policy. Now, I'm no business expert, but I think I'm pretty well endowed in the common sense department. As a company, your best workers are the ones that are loyal to the company. You gain loyalty by taking care of your employees, treating them with respect and dignity. As much as I can rant about my computer tech job, the company does inspire loyalty from its employees. My theatre job however, does not fare so well. They offer little to no incentive to do your best, and have now inspired open contempt in the workplace.

I learned today that one of my coworkers has been fired after three years. She's been a good employee, well-liked by everyone. She is friendly, capable, and knows how to work at every job in the building. What did she do, you ask? Maybe she got caught stealing? Pulled a no-call/no-show for a shift? Mouthed off to a manager? Nope, none if these; She failed to suggestive sell or offer upsizing to a customer at the concession stand. Yes, you read that correctly. You see, the company has mystery shoppers as many do. Their policy is, if a mystery shopper reports that they weren't offered upsizing or candy at the concession stand, that employee is fired. Is it their right to that? Absolutely. It's their company, they can do as they please. It's policy, and everyone knows it. Does that make it right? Is it good business? Fuck no. Being treated like a fucking parolee who's one step from being canned does not inspire loyalty from your workers. So, after three years of good, loyal service she lost her job because on a busy Saturday night she failed to say "Would you like some Junior Mints with that?" to a particular customer. That is fucking criminal. Worst of all, they don't make it the manager's decision at all. Corporate says the employee is gone, and it is done.

This makes me want to go in to work and steal, destroy and fuck up anything I can get away with. No matter how good of a worker you are, or how frequently you do their suggestive selling bullshit (which I despise) everyone slips up. And hell, when there are super long lines and things are going wrong, people are getting impatient. You don't waste time, you get people their shit and get them on their way. They want the place run like a fucking prison. Guess what every prisoner's dream is? To fuck the warden in the ass before cracking his skull open with a rock. Great working environment guys!!