Stuff I Hate
- Men who don't button their shirts up. These guys leave the house with the top 4 buttons on their shirt undone and this nasty patch of chest hair crawling out of their shirt. NO ONE wants to see this. It is no longer the seventies. STOP IT. Other people have to look at you. If you're ugly that's ok - you can't help it. Intentional ugly, however, is unforgivable.
- Refried beans. They smell really bad. They look like vomit. They taste awful. I'm not really going anywhere practical with this. They're just shitty and half of the Taco Bell menu would be good if it weren't for this shit.
- TV Commercials. OK, I used to hate television commercials. 90% of them are really, really stupid. They usually do nothing more than insult me and make me not want to buy whatever it is they're selling. When I see really hip, racially diverse fellas jumping out of an airplane because somebody dropped their Mt Dew out the window or whatever, what exactly am I supposed to think? "WOW! That guy's totally risking his life for a can of Mt Dew - that must be really, really great pop! I'm going to turn off my television now, put my pants on and go buy some - better yet, if I encounter someone with a can of it on the way there, I'm going to attack, beat and possibly rape them because this soda pop is SO FUCKING GOOD!!" Likely not. Anyways, I haven't technically had cable or satellite tv in 2 years so I am rarely exposed to things like commercials, reality tv and world events. It is bliss.
- People who wear sunglasses indoors. I don't really have much logic behind this one. I think someone wearing sunglasses generally looks like someone who is trying to look cool but just ends up looking like a big asshole. That and I don't trust someone who is hiding their eyes. If you wear sunglasses you're fucking dirty lying shit. Case closed.
- People who wear their baseball cap sideways. This to me screams "Look! I dressed myself this morning!" It just looks fucking rediculous. These are usually the same wonderful folks that have their baggy damn pants hanging off of their ass. I HATE YOU.
- Whiny trendy music. Ok, fuck you, Nickelback. Fuck you Linkin Park. Ditto Good Charlotte. I hate the way it's hip to be sad and suicidal. For every decent, sincere artist we get ten phonies. Fuck you, Nickelback. You are dirty fucking liars and fuck anyone who buys into your stupid act. These dickbags pretend to be sensitive and deep and make another million everytime they do. Please stop bitching and kill yourself already.
- People who piss on the toilet seat and leave it there. I don't think this one needs any explanation.
The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of AG inc.
I was at a rest stop once. I went in to use the pissers and they were the tall ones. The ones that go all the way down to the floor. Well all of them were in use except one. So completely disregarding the rules of urinal eticutte, I stepped up to the plate. As I was standing there taking a piss (which took a while as I am a slow pee'er), I realized that the gerry-atric old man next to me was shaking an awful lot. This resulted in him peeing all over my leg and shoe on the right side and probably the guy on his right sides left leg. I was so taken aback I couldn't do anything about it. The man waddled away and left me standing there both wet and stunned. I hate gerry-attrics who pee on me. Espicially when I'm wearing shorts and sandals.
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