How Resturants Abuse Their Workers
It's time for me to bash something here. I want to piss and moan for a minute on the treatings of my wife at her other job. But first we need some background. I'm going to educate the masses on something that they may not know. If you do know, post a comment and tell me how I fucked it up. Since I haven't decided whether or not to name the resturant my wife works at, I'll simply call them wifebeaters anonymous. Not to shit on Mr. White's cereal or anything, but wifebeaters ananymous (and several other beating establishments as well, but WBA is going to be shown as the one of the worst and I'm hoping a certain member of this forum will clear up what I fuck up later, plus that's where my wife was working and was getting the shaft) has taken what waitresses should make and uses it to pay others. This concept is called a tipping pool. Certain percentages of waitresses tip money is siphoned off and given to others that are not tipped directly by the customer. This practice is common in many establishments, but there is a wide range of how it is handled. Mr. White's favorite would be where the waitress' decide for themselves what to give to the others. If the cook's really put forth the effort, the waitresses would hand over what they felt was deserved. I think Mr. White would be less happy with the next option. Where the employers decide a percentage based on sales of what goes where. This usually is bracketed. The bar gets 5% of alcohol sales and so forth. Thus they still make based on the work they do, but waitresses have no say in the amounts. Mr. White would probably pull his gun on me for the next one, but don't worry Larry, it's not my fault. WBA's current favorite is as follows. The management decides what goes where on a whim, without telling anyone, and it isn't based on anything logical. (Hostess gets 1% of total sales period or 3% if sales happen to slip that day) This may not seem like a lot, but they give percentages to many different groups. Hostesses, Busers, Bartenders, Food Prep. Everybody needs their cut on the server's income. Why would any resturant do this? That's an easy one. Here's a few concepts of why resturant manager would do this. Better for the Corporate: The government has a problem with people making less than minimum wage. There's a law or something that says you have to make so much. This also goes for servers. If they drop below minimum wage on average over the course of a week, the establishment is required to pay the difference. This means a loss to them and they would rather have a communist society where the customer's money pays everyone in the resturant rather than just servers. Management is stupid, but replacing management is work: I used to work in the food industry a while back. It was fast food which are never tipped by the public. During my time there I learned about scheduling. Scheduling is based on store volume vs wages. There is a certain profit margin that must be met and if the revenue dips below a certain amount, somebody goes home. It never hurt anything since if volume was down, work was light. When you have the benefit of not actually paying your employees, you can decide not to relieve labor and not give a shit. Better management would mean happier empolyees. They could afford cut X2 and pay X1 more money to save the tips for the people that deserve it. The boss has his pets: Every evil entity has its minions. Part of the job is to pamper his loyal followers. In WBA's case, the boss has his unofficial employee girlfriend working with him picking up tables when he knows it will be a good haul. It's called, "Here sweetheart, you take this monster table and make your monster tips and don't forget I wear the french maid outfit and you hold the paddle tonight." The idea that the boss gives favors to people isn't new. It's an old story. Having it rubbed in the faces of the workers isn't really nessessary though. The establishment caters to mutants: I'm going to blame this one on management too. Mr Nuts posted a bit not too long ago about how if customers bitch enough they'll get their way. Most management fold under this in resturants. What they get is repeat offenders that know full well how to get a free meal. Why is the revenue down? You gave away whole fucking meals you dumbshit. It's a resturant not a soup kitchen. You don't clean out the riffraff and you're going to end up with mutants eating ribs 5 nights a week. You don't want return visits from these people. Call them every name in the book so they never return. In closing, I'll say this. Mr. Pink was within his rights. Mr. White just needed an eye opener. And resturants need not hire Mr. Blonde to run the place. Work smarter you idiots.Most humans have seen reservoir dogs. The breakfest scene rings a bell. Mr. Pink doesn't want to tip because he "doesn't believe in it." Mr. Pink is fully within his legal limits there. Mr. White says that the reason they can make a living is because of their tips and they get in a big fight over it. To the point where they pull guns and threaten each other with physical harm. This is the way it works when to discuss this issue with a real waitresses as well. It's a very touchy issue and I wouldn't go there unless you were ready and willing to start a war. Either that or were ready to adapt to the same opinion.
The boss needs his bonus: That dickbag that runs the place? He gets a kickback at the end of the year if his profits were high enough. It's called "Lemme hit my bitches with this pipe so I can feel like a real man." He pays workers less, he gets paid at the end.
That's definitely a shitty deal. Management (I use the term loosely) saying "Hmmm....ok Sally, today we're going to taaaake....$20 from your tips and divvy it up....mmmkay?" Also, I'm sure that management dating one of the servers is quite against company policies. Someone could blow the whistle to corporate about it. Even if they deny it (which they would) could corporate ignore the testimony of 20 pissed off employees?
Regarding tipping, I agree with Mr Pink. Yes, the waitresses depend on it, and that's shitty. The restaraunt they work for should pay their workers; it isn't my job as a customer to pay WBA's empoyees. I could go on and on but another story.
I work in a restaurant as well, and although it's still a shitty job being a server, I don't have to pay anybody anything. Busboys/dishpeople, cashiers, hosts/hostesses, cooks etc. all make well above $7.00/hr. Where as I only make $2.85/hr being a server, (starting pay was $2.65/hr) I still can average about $10.00/hr on a good day. Our management staff and trainer coordinator are not allowed to fratinize with fellow employees or they lose their jobs, but that still doesn't take away favoriteism. Tips should be based on the service, or merit, because they are earned.
that's all I have to say. ~Kat (I was too lazy to sign out and back in)
It's not a waitress that is banging the boss. It's actually a girl that works for corporate. She is in charge of scheduling banquets. If she books enough parties of 14 or more she gets a kickback. Two groups of 7 if you would. Just to dick her over.
She's bagged a gig right now in the mall where she's trying to sell gift certificates to get a kickback for selling the most. $500 for the person in the resturant that sells the most, but that walking penis managed to get her a kiosk. Bit of a disadvantage.
my tipping policy is this:
i always tip.
if the waitress/waiter does a really shitty job, they get between a penny and a dime (depending on what i grab out of my pocket first)
if they do an excellent job, they get up to 20%.
if they do an excellent job and its a major holiday and
ive been working a lot, they get upwards of a $30 tip.
if the job they do is compeltly awful, they get a penny, and a stinkpalm handshake(or possibly a pile of shit under there table.)
my ratings for service is based on a long list of things like refills, friendliness, not being to obtrusive, refills after im done eating, remebering what i ordered, not putting a fucking lemon in my glass of ice water, my particular mood at the time, my particular wealthiness at the time, and other various things that may or may not annoy me. but probably most importantly, how they deal with my kids.
Well, I think you are getting the shaft when you must give money to people have nothing to do with you. Worst yet when that aren't even working.
Sounds like you have a little of both worlds going on. You give a fixed amount and you get what the servers feed you.
Doesn't sound like you are getting a fair deal if you ask me. I guess just start stealing stuff. You could probably open your own resturant eventually if you did that. Then you can be your own boss and make the rules yourself.
I'm going to probably post a follow up on this pretty soon because I've got some more stuff to say. It's gonna be pretty nuts as I'm again going to show how WBA's is pisspoor. I may decide to write a letter to the corporate inviting them to the page, but that will need wife approval. The first draft of this had a company logo and a link, but she thought that might get her in trouble.
I'm a reasonably good tipper (I make up for the mr. and mrs. pinks out there) and since I am creature of habit(same restaurant, same time, same day of the week)I have figured out that two waitresses are competing to get me to their area when I come in which can be annoying because one seats me comfortably and the other doesn't.
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