Thursday, December 09, 2004

FUCK YOU Best Buy!!!

Thats right. After years of being a loyal Best Buy customer, I'm finally handing in my towel. Go fuck yourself Best Buy. For years now people have told me how shitty their customer service is. It never bothered me. I know the tech manager and I've never had a problem before now. Sure, I've listened to the salespeople spit ignorant lies about how much there service plans cover. I'm intelligent enough to know better. I suppose I could rant about how I spend $2k (give or take) there every year, but I'm smart enough to know that means about piss when your dealing with billions of dollars of merchandise per year. Nope, I'm just gonna bitch about how goddamn fucking retarded they are. Oh and fuck Compaq or Hewlitt Packard or whatever the fuck they call themselves now as well.

You see, about a year and a half ago, I bought a laptop. 1.8ghz Pentium 4. Pretty nice for a laptop. It cost me $599.99. Now, I'm a smart shopper, but I have a hard time believing that HP lost money to sell me that computer. I'm guessing that it probably cost them about 300-400 dollars for them to actually build it. Today it would probably cost even less as I've seen similar models as low as $249. Depreciation on computer-type products is rediculous.

Well a couple monthes ago, mine started having problems. The AC jack had come loose. Well, my warrenty was only good for a year, but it wouldn't have mattered anyways becuase they don't cover fualts in there own design that are related to the AC jack. So I asked some people I knew if they could give me an estimate and I was told between $70 and $200 depending on what kind of laptop. Apperantly this is a common problem, which would lead me to believe that it would be some sort of fault in there particular design, but hey, what the fuck do I know. Anyways, I take it to Best Buy to get it fixed. I ask the guy behind the counter (aka assface) for an approximate estimate. He tells me the same thing everyone else has and that I have to put $25 down incase I decide not to get it done after they give me a final estimate. Probably a good practice, I can see people using them to get "free" estimates otherwise. This was about 3 weeks ago that I took it in.

Well, after 3 weeks of not hearing a goddamn thing, I went to Best Buy today to inquire about what the hell had happened to my laptop. They tell me that, they decided not to fix it. No call. No letter. No nothing. So I asked why. Becuase it'll cost $641.74 and I had apperantly agreed to buy a new one instead. Just to clear things up, I didn't agree to buy a new one, I didn't agree to buy fucking shit. They missed the estimates I had gotten by more then triple. But hey, at least they got there $25 dollar deposit out of it. Have I said "fuck Best Buy" yet? If not then "FUCK BEST BUY!" So rationalizing that this is not the guy behind the counters fualt (aka Marcus), I as best I can, calmly ask where my laptop is? He pushes some buttons, looks at the screen, looks in the back, and comes back with "we don't know." At this point I've just about had it. If I didn't believe in responsibility to those responsible, I probably would have killed Marcus right then and there. He says hes gonna email his manager and see if he can find it. AHHHHHHH!!!

In a failed attempt to regain my composer, I decide to use my $13 in Best Buy bucks to buy a DVD or something for myself. I don't know why but spending money on myself when I'm pissed off usually makes me feel better. So I grab a copy of Spiderman 2 and a copy of the Lazyboy cd, and head up to check out. At least the lines are short. Only one guy in front of me. So I get up there, hand the cashier my coupons and she informs me that I can only use three on any one item. I've got 13. That means, I've got to buy 3 more things in order to be able to use them. You'd think they'd put something about that on the coupons, or even in the rules of the McD's monopoly game. Nope. Just a come in and get fucked deal. At this point, I'm twitching, I'm so fucking pissed off. I grab my shit, my credit card, my dvd and cd, my 13 Best Buy bucks (which expire in two days), my rewards card, and my wallet. I walk back into the store to go and buy 3 more things. I go back to check out. The line is now about 60ft long with about 20-30 customers. I wait for approximately 30 seconds before I yell out "FUCK BEST BUY! They've fucked me twice today, I ain't about to let it be three times. They can shove this shit up their fucking asses." I dropped the stuff on the floor right in the check out line and walked out. Now I get to anxiously await an answer on where the fuck my goddamn laptop is. Fuck 'em. Fuck 'em with a goddamn electric cattle prod.

Oh and fuck 5/3rd bank too. Since they can't fucking count. And all of there goddamn service people only speak spanglish.


At 8:21 PM, Blogger Couch said...

I just sent a link to best buys customer service. I hope they enjoy reading it as much as I did experiencing it. It read as follows:

I recently got the divine pleasure of dealing with the customer service of your port huron, michigan store. Since it was so memorable, I decided to write a nice long letter about it. If you like, you can veiw it on my blog at the following address:

have a nice day.

At 8:37 PM, Blogger Couch said...

As an added note... Fuck Meijers as well. For trying to be to much like Walmart. The only reason I shop at Meijers is becuase it isn't Walmart. (or at least it didn't used to be)

At 9:38 PM, Blogger Jimbob said...

I hear ya.. I went in with my video camera that I purchased last June. Dickbag at the tech bench counter says with attitude, "You got a question?" I go into my speech about my camera buttons and how they seem to be virtually glued in position unless warmed up. He exaimines the hardware and verifies my tellings and without batting an eye says, "I've gotta send this in for service." I didn't flinch too much as I had a PsP on the thing but still, I worked at that exact spot over a thanksgiving a while back. Service was like that tin foil wrap firemen use when they are about to be burned alive in a forest fire. Last resort only. Because it was late and he had already untucked his shirt for the evening, he wasn't even going to attempt a cleaning of the affected areas. I'm thinking all the while, you piece of shit... I used to work here. I might have though a customer to be ridiculous, but if they had a legitimate problem I did what I could to help them. He tossed me to the fucking wolves without a second thought that no talent ass pirate. I hope some irate customer fucks him in the ass with a toilet brush. Bastard would probably get off on it too.

Also, the bit about the lines is also right on. They have a ton of lanes and usually only two are running. I'm sure they have tripled that for the holidays though. With people making large purchases and the low tech population still grasping the concept of credit card scanners you'd hardly notice.

At 9:42 PM, Blogger Couch said...

well... they didnt exactly have extra open for the rush. there were, as you said, two. which was okay when i first went up and there was only a couple people in each line. but in like 10 minutes time, it went from a couple people to something I'd expect to see at the secretary of states office.

At 1:44 AM, Blogger Mr_Nuts said...

Well, I suppose it's my duty to post a reply to this. As for the laptop being lost, I looked and I don't think that's the case. I believe it's at the service center, waiting to be shipped. That's where it was at it's last status change in the activity log. Just because it hasn't shipped yet doesn't mean its in purgatory. Marcus might've been on crack that day.

As for not calling you, that's at least partly my fault. Mostly my fault actually. Tony mentioned the estimate to me and I said, "No way is Couch going to approve that. You can close that one right now." When he actually started closing it, I said "Um...well...maybe we should call him....ya know....just in case...." but he proceeded to close it. "No problem" I thought, "I'll just give Couch a call or send him an email later tonight." That obviously didn't happen. So, in this case, you actually got worse service because you're my friend. Funny.

Regarding the camera, I would've done the same. I don't know much about cameras. I can clean the heads and whatnot. So when someone brings in an expensive digital camera, I'm not going to go experimenting on it. If STAR says service, off it goes. It's not that I'm an asshole, it's that I'm not licensed to fix certain things. AKA things that are not computers.

Yes there are ignorant some salespeople that misrepresent the service plans. Yes, HP not covering their own defective AC jacks sucks. As for the non-existent fine print on the coupons, that sucks too. As for shitty customer service, sometimes you get incompetent people behind the counter at any job. Generally, those who complain about poor customer service are those who do not get their way. For the most part, we're there to enforce the rules. Sometimes we'll bend them. When people get pissy, we enforce them to the letter. It's a job perk.

Just playing devil's advocate...

At 11:36 AM, Blogger Couch said...

yeah, i tried to be careful not to blame anyone there. im well aware that its just people tring to do thier jobs accordinging to the rules they were given by people much further up the chains of indiscretion.

i talked to tony last night. and to mr. nuts the night before. tony said that it is still at the service department. the reason for the expense is becuase service isnt allowed to soder things. they have to replace whatever it is connected to, in this case, the motherboard. so whenever it gets back her im gonna tear the thing open again and fix it myself. hopeful i can keep it somewhat cosmetically clean.

i had tried to get ahold of you, mr. nuts before i wrote the rant but you were unavailable for comment at the time.

At 6:04 PM, Blogger Couch said...

just a note... Fuck the people best buy send stuff to for service. My laptop is now working just fine. I, Couch, the fucking average joe who doesn't know shit about computers, fixed it myself. With a sodering pen and two drops of soder. Granted I still havent figured out how to get the arrow key I accidentally popped off to get the keyboard off but it is still a cheaper price to pay then buying a new laptop. Now if a fucking carpenter can fix a laptop for 1 hour of his time and about $0.03 in materials and it takes a technician $641.00 in time and materials, thats pretty fucking sad.


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