Wednesday, October 08, 2003

I Got Bugs In My Window

the other day i found a red little lady bug on my aloe vera plant. usually i find them on my trees or roses or anything thats a little more leafy. this was the first time id ever found one on my aloe vera plant or on any of my cacti/succulents. so of course i examined them all for aphids and found none. i left the lady bug there in case he saw something i didnt and went about my day. it got me thinking though. i havent seen those annoying orange lady beattles all summer. you know the ones that stink and squish green goo out when you step on em. the ones that take over your entire house. well theyre back. i looked out my window and there were thousannds of them. my windows are covered. my car is covered. my trees are covered. my deck is covered. and yes even my aloe vera is covered. what are these perversions of nature? i dont know. but im going to find. each year they come in hordes and take over whole cities at a time (like dearborn) so i figure they are a cross between arabs and fishflies (you know those little dragon fly type things that make that awesome popping sound when you drive over them in the parking lot). i think the later explains the orangish skin color. they stink so they probably got a little bit of skunk/homeless/arab in them. they squish out a green goo very similar to the color that this arabic friend of mine from dearborn puked up after drinking apple puker all night. they bite but the scientists say its not really biting but squeezing thier legs together to pinch you. sounds like a harem girl to me. theyve got spots, a definite sign of early stages of racial crossbreeding. all the signs point to one thing. i dont know exactly what Osama and his wife Saddam (i saw it in the weekly world news last week that they were married. hussein looks cute in a dress) are up to but im sure it not good. im thinking theyve been doing some dna expirementation on arabs and lady bugs. some sorta genetic superspy. all i can say is don't let em on your airplane, cuz they can fly and you can't. ~couch.

"I didn't expect her to counter my plans with nakedness." ~Riff

"i'm having a harder and harder time convincing myself that im not racist." ~JC


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