Sunday, December 26, 2004

Happy Holidays

I was out shoveling snow on Christmas Eve, and my son, Jadyn, was with me. Jadyn is not exactly what most people would call normal in today's society. He's had me for a father and I've preyed on his head like a psychology experiment gone bad. He is always full of interesting little quirks, some of which even surprise me from time to time. However, like most four year olds, he is incredibly inquisitive. Often to the point of being annoying. And since his attention span is only slightly longer then a speed-addicted gnat, it is often hard to answer one question before he asks the next one.

Yesterday was no exception. He barraged me with questions like "why does it snow?", "why is it cold out?", "why doesn't it snow in the summer?", "where did the worm go that I buried in my sandbox and couldn't find?", "how do I make snowmen come to life?", and many other often winter related questions. As a father, I try to do my best to give him the best and most accurate answer I can to any question he asks. If I don't know, I try to find out before he asks then next question or if not, then just so I can answer him when he asks it again in three weeks to three years.

Well as I was answering one of his questions, our neighbors from across the street backed out of there driveway and wished us a Merry Christmas as they drove by. I replied the same and as they drove off, Jadyn asked me "daddy, why doesn't anyone celebrate all the other holidays?" I asked him what he meant by that and he declared that everyone says merry Christmas but no one says anything about the other holidays right now. Well as much as I like to rant on here about other holidays, I've never discussed any of them with my son. So I was a little shocked that he knew about anything other then Christmas. I even asked him if he meant holidays like Hanukkah, and he said "yes." This is what I told him:

The reason that most people celebrate Christmas is because that's what the majority of people here in the USA believe and follow. And the majority always wins over equality. If it didn't we wouldn't have a retarded monkey for a president. Unfortunately some people like to think that there beliefs are the only ones that are correct. The truth is, the origins of almost all the holidays are probably true but some people are to stubborn to believe that.

His response was a simple one, "Can we build a GIANT snowman daddy?"


At 12:05 AM, Blogger Arethusa said...

Classic. LOL.

At 5:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Strange...don't take me for a bush supporter but I believe he hosted a Hanukkah party at the white house this year, which I thought was rather tolerant for someone who takes his orders directly from the "big man in the sky".

At 10:52 AM, Blogger Couch said...

hmmm... yeah i wouldnt know. i dont exactly follow politics. hell, in all truthfulness, i dont even vote unless there is someone i that i actually want in office. and since that hasnt happened yet in my lifetime, i dont vote. but that does seem unusual for the canidate of divine presidentia infallibility himself. though it would be very hard for a Christian to declare Hanauka as a false holiday as it doesnt really contridict anything from the holy bible.

some day im gonna choke in hell on all this shit.


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