Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Stupid Preprogrammed Responses

Many times we as people have a tendancy to blurt out things as they come to mind rather than using a "filter" on what we say. As hard as we try, sometimes those catchphrases however funny, can land us into trouble sometimes. One such thing happened only a few hours ago and I shall share it with everyone.

My job function deals with EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) think of them is a form of html that MRP software can understand. (Header body etc...)

My boss (Female) approached me today with a question on a particular EDI transaction. The header happened to be a "BIG" segment on this EDI and I commented, "It looks like a problem with your BIG." She responded in a joking voice, "Are you saying I'm big?"

In a moment of haste, my negitory preprogrammed response to, "Did you say *X*" kicked in. Without thinking I replied, "No, not out loud anyways."

As the words left my mouth, I realized what the literal translation meant. I tried to ignore it, like it would just whiz on by her head and keep going. As luck would have it, she decided it wasn't a slam and said, "Oh, but you were thinking it huh?!"

The world would stop spinning if I stopped getting close calls.


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