Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Theiving Monster

About a year ago, I was planning a wedding. It is a big job full of planning and detail. When planning a wedding, one must balance speed with quality. Get it done quickly, but don't screw anything up along the way.

Many people refered us to a photographer by the name of Elaine. We made an appointment and arrived on time for our engagement photos. On arrival, the scatterbrained photographer didn't even know why we had arrived. By now, I felt that our $200 deposit should have left SOME impression, but apparently her memory lacks batteries.

During our session, we said that we would like 2 color photos and 1 B&W. I said little during the shoot. She asked what I did for a living and I told her "Computer Programmer." She replied, "Oh! Did you help build that roller park?!" I said.. "Um.. yeah."

We left hoping our pics would arrive by Christmas to hand out to family, but by Dec 15th, no pictures. We called asking WTF Elaine? She said that the film had been lost by the film developing company and we were SOL. She asked if we wanted to reschedule and we agreed.

In the time leading to the re-shoot we began thinking. Do we really want this goofball taking our pictures? I mean what if those were wedding pictures? We cancelled with her and asked for our money back. She denied us. I guess if you consider ignoring phone calls denial anyways. We hired another photographer to do the job.

After getting married we sued the bitch. We partially won ($100 + $47 in court costs) In the end we lost $247. Why? Because although a Michigan court of law told her to pay, she didn't pay, and is probably never going to pay.

My recourse would be to start spending money on court forms to take her down. I have every desire to do this. Short of voodoo and soulstealing I have no other outlet. In poker, we learn about investment odds. How after so much is in the middle, compare the costs of continued play vs the outcome of winning. If the Winning value heavily outweighs the Investment value, one should continue to play.

Tonight the horseman rides for you Elaine.


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