Friday, December 31, 2004

An Outsiders View of the Alright Guys

My favorite Christmas present this year came from my son (also the son on an A.G.). It was very simple and cost hardly anything. It was a piece of paper that said “love you mommy” on it (see above picture). Nothing means as much as the love of a child. Maybe that’s what it takes to love an Alright Guy, a very deep love and understanding of children. That could explain why more than one A.G. is married to a teacher. Being around the A.G.s is a lot like being in the middle of a Kindergarten classroom. And they each have their roles.

1st there is Mr. Nuts. He is the “sensible” one. He’s the one who keeps the rest of them from going to jail.

2nd there is Mista Collins (or B.C.). He’s the “cool” one. Perhaps because he’s the youngest and still in college, he still has that mysterious college aura about him He’s also the one who likes to hike around through Europe and do other college type stuff.

3rd there is Jimbob. He’s the self proclaimed “geek”. He works as a computer programmer, he likes gaming, what more can I say? He is very helpful when it comes to putting web pages together.

4th there is Couch. I’m not sure what I would label Couch. He’s probably the most honest A.G. but that’s only because he lost his filter. You know, the thing between your mind and your mouth that keeps you from always saying what you’re thinking. You know for a fact that what comes out of his mouth is the truth, or at least some version of it.

Now, I’m not purposely leaving out the other two A.G.s. It’s just that one lives in California and the other one, though he only lives a few streets away, never comes around. I guess he’s busy with his wife and their two kids. Plus, I don’t believe he was ever much of a gamer or ranter. He was an A.G. because he could be nuts.

And there you have it, an outsider’s view of the Alright Guys.


At 3:56 PM, Blogger Jimbob said...

When it's laid out like that I feel like a member of a boy band. Also, I prefer the term nerd to geek.

At 5:11 PM, Blogger Arethusa said...

A boyband eh? We need posters! And there's always the "cute" member of the group, so who fits that description?

At 5:30 PM, Blogger Stacey said...

Well, I do have an opinion on who the cute one is, but I don't want to embrass anyone so I'll keep that to myself.

And no, I'm not referring to my husband, and yes, he knows who I do mean.

At 5:42 PM, Blogger Couch said...

oh, im pretty sure everyone knows which one you think is the cute one. and as soon as he comes out of the closet and folds his collar back down the rest of the world will know too... until then...

i think im the weird one... the one with the funny goatee and the google sunglasses on top of his head. if only one of us could sing better the bob dylans and tom waits lovechild we might actually have a chance... well bc can probably dance but thats about it for our boy band talent...

by the way Arethusa, you page made my bookmarks, i actually check it about once a week. its definately one of the better blogs out there.

At 5:21 PM, Blogger Arethusa said...

Google makes sunglasses?

Couch thanks! It's probably pretty clear that this blog is in my bookmarks as well. S'good shit.

At 1:36 PM, Blogger Couch said...

maybe its spelled "goggle sunglasses." spelling never has been a strong point...


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