Gencon Day 3
The biggest day of Gencon. The crowds were enourmous. The merchandise was plentiful. I was hot in my acupolco shirt. Incidentaly, everybody is poised to throw shit... OW!! a M&M and a empty mt. dew can just hit home.
LOTR and Scooby fans? Chess. NASCAR fans? Checkers.
In any case today I got some new pics for Celebrity Gencon which I probably will post at a later date.We made a trip to our local Target Store today and picked up a replacement picture frame to fix the one from the key lime incident we had the other night. Problem solved on our end! All that remains is the disposal of the old glass frame. Maybe we'll chuck it down the elevator shaft. Maybe we'll throw it on the highway. I'm not sure yet but I totally invite our readers to get involved and try and figure out the best way to get rid of a 22 X 28 piece of glass. It's that simple, whatever you can think of and the most possible result will be done. I'll go first. Jimbob says to take it down to the basement and leave it there.
Honesty is the best policy.
Tomorrow is the wrap up day, I'm going to go game. Peace out yo.
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