Friday, August 26, 2005

What could have been.. but was lost.

You know, I'm not one to point fingers here but I'm starting to realize what a total spoil sport Christopher Columbus really was. This whole, "I'm gonna prove the world is round and the rest of you can kiss my ass" idiology was a total shot at the modern world as we know it. Of course the world is round you waste of a human life, if it were flat we'd be in much better shape.

Imagine a ball of cooking dough being smashed flat. It gains surface area! We'd have a shitload more space to live on if the world was flat. I also think they were under the misconception that the world had only ONE SIDE! There could have been two sides to the world with even more space! Travel could consist of tunnels through the center of the world to get to the other side. There's an untold legion of benefits to having the world be flat and the next time somebody praises Captian Columbus for his courage, you should call him a sack of monkey shit and walk away angry. Just look at what he costed us all!