Thursday, September 09, 2004

College Roomates

I went to Oakland University in Rochester Michigan. During my time there I had 3 college roomates. I thought since a few of my stories might involve them I should give an introduction. I'll include a quick blurb on each just to keep it from sucking too badly.

Seth: Seth was a rich kid from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. He was studying to be a weatherman or something. This was a guy that was a constant workoholic. He took a full load at OU, a full load of correspondance classes from the University of Mississippi, a frat guy, the radio club, 3 jobs, and still found time to "drop $400" on shopping at the Gap.

Fun Seth Fact: Seth liked to buy a shitload of clothing. I mean this guy liked to shop. He had a leather chair in the room. Very nice, but for weeks and weeks he'd leave his worn clothing on the chair and nobody could sit in it. Since he worked all the time, he never had time to clean it off. Finally I took mattered into my own hands. I stuffed probably 500 dollars worth of clothing into a single shopping bag. Tightly packed, no room for air. Once finished I tossed the bag behind the chair and made sure to be sitting in it when he returned. I'll never know who he vented to that day, but he had the appearance of a person that NEEDED to vent, or die from not doing so. When Seth decided to move out, he sat me down and broke it to me like it were an 80's sitcom. I remember cheering for him and taking pictures of the event


Rob - Rob was almost a direct polar opposite of Seth. Very little money, more intellectual than flashy. LOVED Bob Dylan and 60's rock. He played so much 60's rock my ears nearly bled from it. Velvet Underground was another of his favorites. He spent a lot of time stareing at people. It definately wierded people out.

Fun Rob Fact - Rob was about the biggest mooch out there. He would constantly steal my pop and OJ and never repay for it. I learned the psychology to out smart him. People have a complex about taking the last of anything. So I stocked my fridge with only one object of any given type. Worked like a charm.


Kevin - Kevin was a gamer. As such, Kevin was the dawn of a new type of roomate. One which I could actually stomach. Kevin was a normal guy, gamer, and a fanatic over the armed forces. I actually stayed in touch with Kevin after school and still see him from time to time.

Fun Kevin Fact - When Kevin first moved into my room. Damn near everybody on the floor warned me that he was an asshole and that I had completely drawn the old maid. I didn't speak to him for about two weeks after we were living together. I thought being anti-social would rid me of him and give me back my solitude. Once I learned of his true nature, I went back to the masses and made them repent.


At 9:26 AM, Blogger Mr_Nuts said...

I only vaguely remember Seth. I recall meeting him, laughing my ass off as soon as he left the room then having to don a straight face when he popped his head back into the room.

I don't know that I ever met Kevin. I believe I only know tales of Kevin; How he would play Myth - pounding on the keyboard and screaming when his dwarves would blow up his own army. And how he would run a D&D game - I'm sorry, there are like 4 archers over there firing at you. These are trained soldiers, at least one of them are going to get you. Put the dice down, you're dead. Realistic? Probably. Fun? Hell no.

Rob, I did spend some time with. As Jimbob said, he's a creepy fucker. Not really a bad guy per se, just odd and kind of hopeless. I went up to school and I remember Rob sitting on the top bunk staring at me; He wasn't trying to intimidate me or trying to freak me out. He's just a damn weirdo. I also recall The Phantom, but another story.


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